Montalvo is proud to announce the Hofpartner AB as our official partner representative in Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway, Finland).

Hofpartner AB is located in Åmål by Vänern’s west bank, in an area with a long tradition of pulp and paper industry. Owner and founder is Richard (Ricky) Holmström, who also is the managing director. Hofpartner is an all around supplier of lifting equipment, core shafts and core chucks, doing their own development, design, marketing, manufacturing and service.
Hofpartner is highly versed in Montalvo’s product line, in addition providing key knowledge, service, and support to their customers and users of Montalvo products.
Montalvo continues to be a worldwide leader in the manufacturing of web tension control products, bringing new innovations and the latest technology to improve and expand your capabilities. Please see Hofpartner’s contact information below.

Ricky Holmstrom
Mor Annas väg 1,66232 Åmål, Sweden
Tel: +46 (0)532 60 85 80