In this issue:
Key Considerations: Load Cell Installation
Range Expansion Demonstration
Tension Control Packages: 2 Weeks or Less
Dead Shaft Idler Load Cell Installation Considerations

ES Dead Shaft/Idler Load Cells
When installing your ES Series Dead Shaft-Idler load cells there are a few key considerations to ensure proper installation. Follow the provided installation instructions with your components, but if you are experiencing some issues, check the following:
Idler Roll Support
The load cells should be supporting the roll as if the roll were attached directly to the machine frame. If the idler roll is not completely supported by the load cell you will run into issues. This is typically caused by either the idler roll dead-shaft being too short, or the shaft diameter is not the same size as the load cell coupling. If you have a shaft size diameter that is not the same size as the load cell coupling Montalvo does supply bushings to ensure the shaft properly fits into the load cell. Contact us for more information.
Heavy Idler Roll
When selecting the correct load rating for your load cells, the weight of the idler roll must be accounted for. The load on the load cells is determined by the web tension, the wrap angle (how much of the idler roll is contacted by the material as it passes over the roller), the direction of force due to web tension, and the weight of the idler roll. If you are utilizing a pair of 50 lb (22kg) rated load cells (meaning their maximum is 50 lbs each) and your idler roll weighs 50 lbs, you effectively only have half of the load cells capacity left to account for the three other factors contributing to the total load. When sizing a load cell it is always recommended that you discuss your process with a Montalvo Applications Specialists to ensure the load cells are properly sized based on all of your process variables.
Uniform Mounting
A critical step in installation is to ensure that both load cells are mounted the same way in respect to the direction of force. Montalvo ES load cells are labeled with a “force arrow” indicating how the load cell should be mounted. The arrow should be aimed in the direction of force due to web tension. If one load cell is aiming in one direction and the other load cells is aiming in another direction then you may receive signal errors, and the load cells could be operating at less than optimum efficiency.
Read this post at
Range Expansion: It’s Like Getting a Brand New Machine
Check out the Video
In today’s environment, manufacturers are required to do more with less. Manufacturers cannot always afford new machines, and current machines may now need to perform functions they were not originally intended for. The automatic range expander gives you that ability.
Range expansion increases the capabilities of existing machines, allowing them to be more effective at:
running multiple types of materials with differing tension levels
gain greater control at lower torque ranges
run high mass rolls at lighter tensions (i.e. films & foils)
run low torque and tension applications that require high torque to stop (i.e. sheeters)
reduce friction pad wear
Check out the video here to see exactly how our Range Expander works and expands the capabilities of your machine.
Delivered in 2 Weeks or Less
Industry Leading Tension Control Component Packages
Get the process improvements you require through our industry leading tension control products faster than ever. We are proud to offer some of the shortest lead times in the industry on controllers, load cells, safety chucks, amplifiers and more.
Available products in 2 weeks or less include:
- S4 Tension Controllers
- U4 Open Loop Tension Controllers
- M3200 Amplifiers
- A4 Amplifiers
- M4 Meters
- ES Dead Shaft-Idler Load Cells
- CD Tension Brakes
- DPS 45 Dancer Position Sensors
- US4 (100mm to 1m) Ultrasonic Sensors
- MPC4 IP Converters and PDA Valves
Additional Montalvo products are still available within 3 or 4 weeks, including Z4 Controllers, V, HP and Standard Brakes, Guardian Safety Chucks (standard), U Series Load Cells and much more. Half the time of other manufacturers.
Quality, performance, and productivity delivered quickly to you!
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