Downloads, FAQ’s and more.
*for drawings please visit the M3224 Amplifier product page
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Downloads, FAQ’s and more.
*for drawings please visit the M3224 Amplifier product page
0-100 micro Amps, 0-10vdc, 0-20mA, 4-20mA.
This amplifier is strictly 24vdc.
First, power the amplifier, and let it warm up for a few seconds. With no weight applied to the load sensing roller, adjust the zero pot until you get the correct output for zero load (0vdc, 0mA, or 4mA) depending on the dip switch settings. Tie off a rope, or strap to a fixed roller, or bar, and thread it through the machine, at least one roller before, and one after the sensing roller, and free hang a known weight. Adjust the cal. Pot. until the output reflects the weight of the calibration weight in mA, or vdc. Since this is an analog device, you may need to repeat these steps a couple of times.
With a digital multimeter measure the output across terminal 15 (ground, or (-)), and terminal 13, or 14 (+), depending on dip switch settings.
The amplifier is din rail mountable.
Remove the side cover, and follow the programming chart on page two of the enclosed documentation.
If using our load cell cables, white from one load cell will terminate on terminal 10, red/brown from this load cell will terminate on terminal 9, and the black from this load cell will terminate on terminal 12. The white from the other load cell will terminate on terminal 11, and the red/brown from this load cell will terminate on terminal 12, and the black from this load cell will terminate on terminal 9.